Gov Newsom Suspends 960 Hour Limitation

Renee Ostrander |

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On March 4, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a statewide state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-25-20 to further enhance California’s ability to respond to COVID-19. The intent of the executive order is to suspend reinstatement and the retired annuitant work hour limitation of 960 hours per fiscal year during the state of emergency. Any hours worked by a retired annuitant to ensure adequate staffing during the state of emergency will not becounted toward the 960-hour limit for the fiscal year. Under this executive order, the 180-day break in service requirement under Government Code section 7522.56(f) is also suspended for retired annuitants hired to ensure adequate staffing during the state of emergency. In addition, under subdivision (c) of section 586.2 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), the declaration of a state of emergency exempts retired annuitants from the 60-day separation in service requirement under subdivision (a)(2) of CCR section 586.2. However, please be aware, the prohibition under subdivision (a)(1) of CCR section 586.2 on any predetermined agreement between an employer and an impending retiree who has not attained normal retirement age, continues to remain in effect, consistent with federal law.